User Guide


Basic CRUD Functions

  1. Create Task of type Todo, Event or Deadline.
  2. View list of tasks.
  3. Mark a Task as done.
  4. Mark a Task as not done.
  5. Delete a Task.

Feature 1 : Find Tasks

Tasks can be filtered by description.

Feature 2 : Sort Tasks

Tasks can be sorted by description, taskType or doneStatus.

Feature 3 : Clear Tasks

Tasks can be cleared to give an empty task list.


list - List all tasks

Shows a list of all tasks.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

list all tasks

todo - Create A New Todo

Create a new todo with description.

Example of usage:

todo read book

Expected outcome:

todo of description 'read book' created

deadline - Create A New Deadline

Create a new deadline with description and date.

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by 10/10/2019 1200

Expected outcome:

deadline created with description 'return book' and date '10/10/2019 1200'

event - List all tasks

Create a new event with description, start date and end date. Leave two spaces between the start date and end date.

Example of usage:

event project meeting /at 10/10/2019 1200 10/10/2019 1400

Expected outcome:

event created with description 'project meeting', start date '10/10/2019 1200' and end date '10/10/2019 1400'

done - Mark Task As Done

Mark a task as done by its index.

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:

task at index 2 marked as done

notdone - Mark Task As Not Done

Mark a task as not done by its index.

Example of usage:

notdone 2

Expected outcome:

task at index 2 marked as not done

delete - Delete Task

Shows a list of all tasks.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

task at index 2 deleted

find - Find Tasks

Filter tasks by description.

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

list tasks that has 'book' in its description

sort - Sort Tasks

Sort tasks by description, taskType or doneStatus.

Example of usage:

sort desc, sort tasktype, sort done

Expected outcome:

sorted list of task

clear - Clear All Tasks

Clear the task list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

empty task list